Introducing collaboration partners in preparation for the launch of Aurora Horizon at scale
Ecosystem | February 14, 2022 | 1 min. read

Revolutionary products require extensive iteration and ruthless refinement.
We work with savvy, influential partners throughout the value chain to design, refine, iterate, deliver, and ultimately scale our trucking product: Aurora Horizon. Aurora Horizon is a premium product consisting of three parts:
- Aurora Driver-powered trucks
- Aurora Beacon, a suite of Mission Control and Fleet Management tools that manage and integrate Aurora Driver-powered trucks with network operations
- Aurora Shield, the physical services needed to maximize the uptime of the fleet

Aurora Horizon will be a premium product for carriers and private fleets, consisting of three components.
Our partnerships go beyond simply testing our technology; they are structured to mature each of part of Aurora Horizon for commercial operation at a large scale.
Platform partners like PACCAR and Volvo work with us through the Aurora Driver Development Program to develop deeply integrated, heavy-duty trucks that meet the exacting requirements of the Aurora Driver. We also work on the sales, service, and support model that carriers and private fleets will rely on.
Logistics partners like FedEx and Uber Freight work with us to create and operationalize the tools, processes, and operational muscle to support a 24/7/365 logistics service.
You’ve heard about some of our platform and logistics partners. Today, we’re pleased to announce that U.S. Xpress has also partnered with Aurora to design optimal deployment strategies for autonomous technology in its commercial operations. Together, we’ll identify the U.S. Xpress lanes that can most benefit from early deployment of Aurora Horizon, explore application programming interface (API) integrations into Variant’s platform (U.S. Xpress's digitally enabled fleet) to enhance dispatching and dynamic routing, and model where these trucks can offset unmet demand. In doing so, we’ll build a future where goods are moved by both human drivers and autonomous trucks.
Aurora Horizon is entering an exciting phase—it could even have helped deliver the package you received today. When deployed at scale, it will improve the safety and efficiency of our partner’s networks, the roadways they traverse, and the supply chains they support.
Preparing a premium self-driving product the world has never experienced before is challenging. Our partnerships with key transportation leaders are refining it in meaningful ways that will ultimately make it a valuable product in the transportation ecosystem.